Acute & Chronic Disease Management Programme

Acute Illnesses occur suddenly when least expected, and symptoms are bothersome to deal with. Here, you will be assessed and diagnosed by our experienced doctor who will explain your condition and address your concerns, prescribing medications or follow ups if required.

Examples of Acute Illnesses include but are not limited to:

Common cold/flu

Gastrointestinal disturbances e.g. diarrhea, vomiting

Urinary symptoms e.g urinary tract infection

Headaches or giddiness



Aches and pains


Injuries or wounds

We provide monitoring and further optimization of Chronic Disease management. Adjustment of medications if indicated and further symptom control is the mainstay of our care plan which we will formulate with you to tailor to your needs and lifestyle.

Examples of Chronic Illnesses include but are not limited to:

Diabetes Mellitus

Hypertension / high blood pressure

Hyperlipidaemia / high cholesterol


Long standing skin problems


Obesity and weight management



Thyroid issues

Persistent joint or back pains.




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