Pneumococcal Vaccination

Imagine a disease that can lead to severe illnesses such as pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteraemia. Pneumococcal disease is a serious infection caused by the streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria that poses a significant health risk, especially for young children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic illnesses.

What is Pneumococcal Disease?

Pneumococcal disease is an infection caused by the streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. The bacteria spreads through the respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, making it highly contagious. It can lead to various serious illnesses, including:

  • Pneumonia: An infection of the lungs that can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, and fever.
  • Meningitis: An infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, leading to symptoms like severe headache, fever, and neck stiffness.
  • Bacteraemia: A bloodstream infection that can cause fever, chills, and low blood pressure.

I. The Pneumococcal Vaccine:

What it Does: 

The pneumococcal vaccine works by stimulating your immune system to recognise and fight specific strains of the pneumococcus bacteria, thereby preventing infection. It helps your body build a defence mechanism to protect against severe and potentially life-threatening illnesses caused by these bacteria.

Types of Vaccines Available in Singapore: 

  • Discuss the two available pneumococcal vaccines in Singapore (PCV13 and PPSV23) and their differences in terms of strains covered.

In Singapore, there are two types of pneumococcal vaccines available:


(Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)


(Pneumococcal                    Polysaccharide Vaccine)


Covers 13 strains

Covers 23 strains

Recommended Suitability

  • Infants
  • Young children
  • Adults with certain health conditions
  • Adults aged 65 and older.
  • Those with specific medical conditions that put them at higher risk

Each vaccine has its indications and recommended age groups, ensuring comprehensive protection against a broad range of pneumococcal strains.

II. Who Should Get Vaccinated?

  • High-Risk Groups: 

Vaccination is essential for certain high-risk groups, including:

    • Young Children: Infants and young children are more susceptible to pneumococcal disease due to their developing immune systems.
    • Elderly Adults: Adults 65 and older have a higher risk of severe illness and complications from pneumococcal infections.
    • Individuals with Chronic Illnesses: People with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or weakened immune systems are at increased risk of pneumococcal disease.
  • Free or Subsidised Vaccination: 

Some high-risk groups are eligible for free or subsidised pneumococcal vaccinations under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) and the National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS). These programs aim to increase vaccine coverage and protect the most vulnerable populations.

  • Consultation with Doctor: 

Consulting your doctor is essential to determine if the pneumococcal vaccine is appropriate for you or your loved ones. Your doctor can provide personalised advice based on your medical history and risk factors.

III. Benefits of Getting Vaccinated:

  • Preventing Serious Illness: 

The pneumococcal vaccine is highly effective in preventing serious infections such as pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteraemia. It helps reduce the incidence and severity of these illnesses, protecting both individuals and the community.

  • Reduced Hospitalization: 

Vaccinating reduces the risk of hospital stays and the associated medical costs due to pneumococcal disease. Vaccination can help prevent complications that may require intensive medical care.

  • Peace of Mind: 

Vaccination provides peace of mind by taking proactive steps to protect your health and the health of those around you. Knowing you are protected against a severe disease allows you to focus on enjoying life without the constant worry of any potential illnesses.

IV. Safety and Side Effects:

  • Safety Record: 

The pneumococcal vaccines have a strong safety record and are approved by health authorities in Singapore, including the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). They have been extensively tested in clinical trials and monitored for safety in real-world use.

  • Potential Side Effects: 

Common and mild side effects may include:

    • Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
    • Mild fever
    • Fatigue
    • Muscle pain

These side effects are generally short-lived and resolve on their own. Serious side effects are rare, but you should contact your healthcare provider if they occur.

V. Where to Get Vaccinated:

  • Doctor’s Clinic: 

You can receive the pneumococcal vaccine at our clinic. Our healthcare professionals will provide you with the necessary information and care.

  • Vaccination Clinics: 

The vaccine is also available in Singapore’s polyclinics and private vaccination clinics. These clinics offer convenient options for getting vaccinated and protecting your health.

Book an Appointment

The pneumococcal vaccine is a powerful tool for preventing serious illness. By vaccinating, you contribute to the community’s overall health and safety, especially protecting the most vulnerable.

Discuss the pneumococcal vaccine with your doctor to make an informed decision about your health. Taking charge of your health through vaccination is a proactive step towards preventing illness and maintaining your well-being.

Schedule your vaccination appointment today and take a crucial step towards protecting your health.

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